Bug Fixes, Tweeks and Updates #1

Game updated to v20200320

#Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the Select Indicator (yellow thingy around hovered sprites) got stuck in the player and the enemies sprites after a card was deselected;
  • Fixed a bug where the cursor was not changing to to the Hand type when hovering over selectable objects;
  • Fixed a major bug where the card “Call of Fortune” wasn’t showing correctly in the shop and in game;
  • Fixed a bug where the Select Indicator didn’t play its animation in the shop when a card was selected and the cursor was over the Shop Keeper;
  • Fixed a bug where the hand cards weren’t moving to the discard pile after the end of a level;
  • Fixed a major bug where using a card in the end of a level could reset the player turn and prevent the end of the level;
  • Fixed a major bug where whenever the player died in the enemies turn, when another run began and the player used a card, the enemies would start their turn in the middle of the player’s turn and take their round of attacks;
  • Fixed a major bug where a player could select a card during the fill hand stage, and pull an extra card from the draw pile;
  • Fixed a bug where the cards would get stuck in the Y axis during the highlight animation between turn transitions;
  • Fixed a bug where the Select Indicator wasn’t selecting the draw pile when the cards of type “Draw” were selected;
  • Fixed a major bug where the card “Call of Fortune” was pulling two cards despite the player hand already having 5 cards;
  • Fixed a bug where the tutorial text wasn’t updating when the level ended;


  • Changed the probability of stat upgrade cards showing in the shop to 25% on each of the two cards;


  • Add the option to discard any card from the player hand;
  • Add an option to skip the initial cutscene;


v20250320.zip Play in browser
4 days ago

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